Tuesday, October 16, 2007

feeling better...

The later the day got yesterday, the worse I felt. I was nauseous, achy, stuffed up, coughing, just plain UGH! I went home after work, skipped school...took a hot bath with epson salt, took motrin and cough syrup and got in bed with my kitty cats. I feel much better this morning...thank god! On a sad note though, El Guapo had to stay home from work today, b/c he feels so bad. Poor thing...he couldn't talk at all this morning. I made him an appt with the doctor this afternoon, so hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. We've had our fair share of the cold/allergies these last few weeks...I'm ready for us both to feel good again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling better :)