Saturday, August 4, 2007

catching up...

It's been a while...I've just had way too many things going on. Here's for catching up...

I'm almost half way through another quarter of school...that's court reporting school. The driving time (almost 2 extra hours on school days), distractions and stress are about to kill me. I'm constantly stressed, have no time for excercising, no time for myself...something's got to change. I think I have my solution. In the next few weeks, I'm going to transfer to my school's online program. The night program that I'm currently in is half time, and the online program that I'm transferring into is full time. This means I'm going to have to be disciplined...come home from work, eat dinner (which I don't get to do on school nights now), and get to school work. I'll have to put more time into it that I currently am, but all the time that I put into it will be productive and from home. I won't be wasting time driving, dealing with distractions from other people, waiting for teachers to get class going, etc. This change is going to be challenging, but I'm ready for it.

We've been trying to spend more time with friends lately. We've had several pool parties at friend's houses, as well as going out, and having friends over for drinks at our house. It seems like everyone has so much going on, it's hard to get people together. We spent time with two other couples a week or so ago...helping one of them move. We hadn't seen them in a while, b/c of everyone's was really great to hang out with old friends.

My little cousin is in town this weekend. She came with her boyfriend and three other friends. They're 18, 20 & 21. It's definately strange, and the age difference is surely noticable. She's 8 years younger than me, and we haven't really spent much time together, b/c I was married and moved away by the time she was 13. It's nice to have them here for a visit, but just weird. We had planned to take them out, but they seem totally content just shopping at the mall, sitting and talking and doing their own thing. Today, they're gone to the Project Revolution concert, and tomorrow they'll go back home to MS.

Oh how I love Ann Taylor Loft! They had an awesome sale this week, and I got around $300 worth of clothes for just $100...2 pair of capris, 1 pair of shorts and 3 shirts. Didn't need to spend the money, but it was just too great of a deal to pass up.

Next weekend we'll be going to New Orleans with a bunch of friends. I can't wait...I really need this break! El Guapo and I used to live an hour from there, and spent quite a bit of time there in our college years. We even spent our honeymoon there almost exactly 8 years ago. I'm hoping we can sneak away from the friends for a nice anniversary dinner together while we're there. We'll be staying 1/2 block off of Bourbon street...I can't wait!

I have the most awesomely sweet kitties in the world. One in particular today is super clingy and being so sweet. Gaston is our Katrina kitty...we adopted him from a foster group here in Dallas that got him from New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina. He was skin & bones when they got him...his jaw had been badly bad that his bottom canine teeth were digging into the roof of his mouth, and he couldn't eat. They did surgery on his jaw and had to pull his canines. His jaw is still crooked, but it's cute b/c his tongue sticks out the side of his mouth now. He doesn't let it bother him though...he's a pig is weighs almost 16 pounds now. It took him about 6 months to warm up to us, but he's a cuddlebug now. He's been kind of disturbed with the cousin and friends here, and since they're gone to their concert today, he's ready for love. He's been following me around and in my lap all day. Right now, he's laying beside me's so funny when their little whiskers and feet move while they're sleeping! I wonder what he's dreaming of.

Well, that's about all that's been going on around here...well, except for work, school and all the everyday things.

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